Co-Polymer Passive Skimmers
Extra back up protection to absorb Hydrocarbon runoff
Co-Polymers absorb ONLY hydrocarbons - Not Water
UV rays will not damage or deteriorate Co-Polymers
Will not Leach like polypropylene sorbents thus reusable
Absorb 5 to 8 times their own weight & still float (1 lb. absorbs 1 gallon of hydrocarbon) fuel 15 to 1
Total absorption is determined by weighing the Co-Polymers or visual solid dark color
Disposal: burn or bury
Simply tie in storm drain or vault & check once every 3 months
Co-Polymer Bags 13” x 13” – 18” x 18” – 27” x 27”
Absorbs hydrocarbons ONLY (not water)