Spillaway Cleaning Solutions
Use Bio-Remediation products with Microbes (Oil Eaters) to safely dispose of Hydrocarbons.
Microbes eat the oil/fuel and turn the hydrocarbons into water & carbon dioxide.
Call +1 (800) 486-8168 or email us for product SDS’s
Industrial Strength Cleaner & Degreaser
for concrete floors, cement, and stone surfaces. This product contains enhanced micro-organisms & bio-cleaners that are demanded by industrial applications.
Pre-Spot Stain Remover
Pre-Wash is a newly developed solution of natural, renewable "biobased" plant extracts. It is specially formulated to be effective safe, biodegradable, environmentally enhancing and cost-effective.
Aqueous Based Bio-remedial Solution
This new and innovative, aqueous-based, non-solvent product allows your parts cleaning & degreasing to be free of any negative health or safety concerns. When added to heated, aerated, water-based parts washing equipment, nothing outperforms it.
Oil-Water Separator Formula
This breakthrough product & technology allows cleaning not achieved by any other means.
Fast Acting Hydrocarbon Absorbent
Multi-use absorbent with bio-remedial microbes for hydrocarbon spills. This product absorbs & degrades oil, fuel, and petroleum hydrocarbons into harmless, environmentally safe by-products.
Soil & Water Remediation Formula
This product will solve water & soil hydrocarbon contamination problems. It will bioremediate most hydrocarbons, in deep water or soil, with a minimum amount of equipment, labor, and cost.
Septic System Cleaner
A revolutionary concept in the cleaning, maintenance & remediation of industrial & residential septic systems. This product uses bio-remedial technology to literally eat food & vegetable greases & oils from septic systems.
Fast Acting Hydrocarbon Absorbent
Bio-W is the first bio-remedial, floating absorbent designed to absorb and control hydrocarbons on water. This product has the ability to repel water, allowing it to "hold" only the hydrocarbon it absorbs.
For brochures, additional products, and applications
call Randy 216-233-6473